It’s Our Most Metal Playlist Yet, MindHandle Mix Vol. 12: Isolation Liberation

Spotify MindHandle Mix Vol. 12: Isolation Liberation

Energy, angst, sick basslines: the formula for a gnarly metal playlist. This week, Maria Colaluca — our masterful, buttoned-up, introverted strategist — treats us to a special blend of her favorite metal songs to blow off steam. So press play, crank it to 11, and get ready to rage through coronavirus to MindHandle Mix Vol. 12: Isolation Liberation.


Here’s her behind-the-mix interview:

Maria, how would you describe this mix?

This mix is not for the faint of heart… it is metal music therapy that serves as an emotional outlet for anyone feeling out of place during this pandemic crisis.


What inspired you to choose the theme?

I have always used metal — specifically, post-alternative metal — as a private expression of frustration, tension release, and even anger. The heavy bass, hard pounding beats and classic rock screams provide an awesome way to release negative energy while I am exercising, driving in a car (goodbye Type A) or preparing for an intense meeting.


I’m just guessing here, but I figure more than a few of us could use a liberation during the stay-at-home orders.


What is your favorite song on this mix?

I love them all, equally. Honest. But the most relevant to my current mood: “Isolation” by Alter Bridge. That one will get your blood flowing!


If this mix was a brand, which brand would it be?

Doc Martins!


What’s the secret to creating a great liberation mixtape?

A great liberation mix will take you through the full cycle of the emotions you will inevitably face during a stressful situation/crisis:

  • Stage 1: Reality sets in
  • Stage 2: Frustration takes over
  • Stage 3: Rebellion
  • Stage 4: Invincibility. You’ve reached a solution and you are feeling GREAT.

Do any of the songs bring up a specific memory?

Yes. But if I told you, it wouldn’t be a private expression, now would it? 😉


[After Abi, our senior copywriter, badgers her for a story…]


Not everyone in my family shares the same love for metal as I do, but over the years they’ve seemed to tolerate it — dare I say enjoy it? — when they are with me. The Metallica song “Fuel” reminds me of the day I treated my sister to an all-expenses paid weekend in San Antonio. I had just blown my budget on a brand new Lexus, and we rocked to Metallica all the way from Dallas to our destination. We pull up to the Marriott valet, music blaring, and the valet opens the car door and says, “Hello Thelma. Hello Louise.” To this day, my sister and I often talk about our next ‘Thelma and Louise’ adventure.


Thank you, Maria, for your cathartic mix! We. Are. Pumped.



Follow Mindhandle on Spotify and continue rocking out to MindHandle Mix Vol. 13, debuting next Friday.


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